DESIRES Lab @ Peking University

DEciSion, computIng, eneRgy, and Economic Systems (DESIRES) Lab is directed by Prof. Pengcheng You at the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, College of Engineering, Peking University. We work in the intersection of engineering and economics, with a focus on analysis and design for real-world systems with provable performance. The current research interests include multi-timescale market design for electricity markets/online platforms, control/economics of distributed energy resources in smart grids, and optimization/reinforcement learning algorithms.


PKU campus

(Source: twitter @PKU1898)

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Research Spotlights


  • We are hiring! Postdoc openings on optimization and learning are available! See some of the details here.

  • DESIRES Lab is constantly looking for motivated graduate students and postdocs to work on power systems, electricity markets, electric vehicles, online platforms, reinforcement learning, etc. We welcome candidates from diverse backgrounds to apply, including but not limited to power & energy, economics, optimization, control, operations research, algorithms, applied mathematics, statistics, and learning. Feel free to email for more details, preferably with CV, if interested.

  • We have the university fellowships available for postdocs that provide more benefits. Candidates are encouraged to apply. Check here.


Address: 2045 Xin'ao Engineering Building, Peking University, 5 Yiheyuan Rd, Haidian District, Beijing, China, 100871
Tel: +86 (10) 6276 8229
E-mail: x[at]y[dot]edu[dot]cn (x=“pcyou”, y=“pku”)